08 -25.07 2017          KYRRÐ REYKSINS

Artists / Listamenn:

Curator / Sýningarstjóri:  David Zehla

The exhibition « Les silences de la fumée *» has been initiated with the desire to gather and create bridges between Icelandic and French artists. In the old herring factory, renowned and unknown artists from different generations will exhibit artworks showing a clear and manifesting aspects of Nature and its elements. Some, will work with human figure. But there is some kind of uncertainty in these ideas because this is all about art and those who are doing it. There is different levels of control as there is always two pictures. The one that you secretly create and the one that does not belong to you anymore. Before all, it is about gathering singular artists, whose talent and generosity will be without defect in this other side of the world that Hjalteyri represents.

* Les Silences de la Fumée » from an original artwork by Noël Dolla.
 Sýningin «Les Silences de la Fumée» er samsýning franskra og íslenskra listamanna í Verksmiðjunni. Listafólk mismunandi kynslóða, með skýra sýn á frumþætti náttúrunnar og hafa þá sem meginatriði í samsetningu verka eða að höfuðviðfangsefni. Hvort heldur sem er eldur, grjót ellegar plönturíki og vatn, allt myndar þetta landslag. Hlutar náttúrunnar í haldi, sem bergmálar okkar tíma.
En allt er þetta þeim skilyrðum háð að snúast um listina og þau sem að við hana fást. Myndirnar verða alltaf 2, sú sem verður til á laun og hin sem að tilheyrir ekki lengur höfundi sínum.

 Avec des artistes de génération, d’origine ou de pensée différents, nous avons tenté de trouver dans un riche ensemble de pratiques ce qui pourrait faire sens. Il s’agirait alors d’oeuvres et de formes qui au delà de leur appartenance à une pratique singulière, signifient un rapport clair et déterminant avec des éléments de nature. Qu’ils usent de feu, de flore, d’eau ou de roche, tout cela dessinerait une sorte d'état des choses, des morceaux de nature, morceaux parmi lesquels nous y avons vu la possibilité d’y intégrer de la figure. Mais je parle au conditionnel car c’est là toute l’affaire de l’art et de ceux qui le font. Il existe différents paliers de contrôle comme il y a toujours deux tableaux. Celui que vous créez en secret, et celui qui ne vous appartient plus.
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