08 -23 / 07 2017
Catherine BAY
Road Movie: deserting their function of everyday consumption, a handful of Blanche Neige pace the countryside.
Where do they come from?
Why are they there?
Where do they come from?
Why are they there?
This film follows a dance and performance work started since 2002 by artist Catherine Bay and her team around the character of Snow White.
Through this new medium, the artist refines and perpetuates his plastic approach to a world where the character of BN freed from his status as an icon, reconquering our imaginary.
Through this new medium, the artist refines and perpetuates his plastic approach to a world where the character of BN freed from his status as an icon, reconquering our imaginary.
A 15-year performance show has already seen the days between Paris (Cartier Foundation), Berlin (Podewil), Milan (festival uovo), moscou (festival kliazma), lausanne (Arsenic) centre georges pompidou paris , new york ,Tokyo ....... Nationality, thus creating a genuine network in the world.
Catherine Bay lives and works in Paris, after a classical dance training she studied theater at the school Jacques Lecoq. At the same time, she attended the Ethology courses of Jean Rouch.
Kvikmyndin Road Movie fyllir flokk gjörninga og dansverka um karakterinn Mjallhvíti sem að Catherine og samstarfsfólk hennar hafa unnið að síðan 2002.
Listakonan skerpir og fágar listræna nálgun sína að heimi þar sem að karakter Mjallhvítar hefur sloppið frá táknmynd sinni og tekur aftur yfir hugarheim okkar.
Listakonan skerpir og fágar listræna nálgun sína að heimi þar sem að karakter Mjallhvítar hefur sloppið frá táknmynd sinni og tekur aftur yfir hugarheim okkar.
Catherine Bay býr og starfar í París, hún lærði dans og síðar leiklist við Jacques Lecoq skólann.