06.08 / 18.09 2016
From August 1st-31st, ten artists from six countries will occupy the Verksmiðjan art centre, at Hjalteyri, on the Eyjafjörður fjord, northern Iceland, for a project entitled, 'Sumarryk / Summer Dust.'
Responding to the site and to one another, the artists will develop a large-scale, process-based, collaborative installation. The 'Sumarryk / Summer Dust' artists include
Responding to the site and to one another, the artists will develop a large-scale, process-based, collaborative installation. The 'Sumarryk / Summer Dust' artists include
Anna Rún Tryggvadottir (IS, drawing,)
François Morelli (CA, drawing,)
Matt Shane (CA, drawing, drums,)
Michaela Grill (AU, video,)
Mariana Frandsen (AR, photo)
Nick Kuepfer (CA, recording, guitar,)
Neil Holyoak (CA/US, recording, guitar,)
Hannelore Van Dijck (BE, drawing,)
Christine Francis (CA, drawing, bass,)Jim Holyoak (CA, drawing.)
Working with large-scale wall-drawing, live music, video projection, and audio/video recording, the artists will transform the acoustics, lighting, and surfaces throughout the massive concrete chambers of the former herring factory. Their work will explore ideas of performance, improvisation, collectivity and experimental documentation, seeking to find linkages, harmonies and dissonances between visual and audio artwork. They will work continually, listening, watching, describing and responding to one another’s marks and sounds. Verksmiðjan will metamorphose over August, during which time there will also be scheduled concerts, screenings and performances. Video and audio samples will be continually collected to document the month’s events, for publication after the finissage. As part of this document, the artists would like to extend a special invitation to hear from those with memories, stories and pictures of Verksmiðjan when it was a factory.
Working with large-scale wall-drawing, live music, video projection, and audio/video recording, the artists will transform the acoustics, lighting, and surfaces throughout the massive concrete chambers of the former herring factory. Their work will explore ideas of performance, improvisation, collectivity and experimental documentation, seeking to find linkages, harmonies and dissonances between visual and audio artwork. They will work continually, listening, watching, describing and responding to one another’s marks and sounds. Verksmiðjan will metamorphose over August, during which time there will also be scheduled concerts, screenings and performances. Video and audio samples will be continually collected to document the month’s events, for publication after the finissage. As part of this document, the artists would like to extend a special invitation to hear from those with memories, stories and pictures of Verksmiðjan when it was a factory.
As a satellite project, the group of artists will travel to Reykjavík, to participate in a one-night performance on August 18th, at the Mengi experimental music venue. The event will be a cross between performance-art and a music concert.
Event Schedule:
Aug 6th: Summer Dust / Sumarryk vernissage and artist lectures by Matt Shane, Jim Holyoak and Michaela Grill
Aug 13th: films by Nick Kuepfer and Michaela Grill at Verksmiðjan
Aug18th: satellite project Varulven live drawing/music performance at Mengi, in Reyjkavik
Aug 27th: Summer Dust / Sumarryk finissage with concerts by Nick Kuepfer and guests.
Event Schedule:
Aug 6th: Summer Dust / Sumarryk vernissage and artist lectures by Matt Shane, Jim Holyoak and Michaela Grill
Aug 13th: films by Nick Kuepfer and Michaela Grill at Verksmiðjan
Aug18th: satellite project Varulven live drawing/music performance at Mengi, in Reyjkavik
Aug 27th: Summer Dust / Sumarryk finissage with concerts by Nick Kuepfer and guests.
Fjöllistaverkefnið Sumarryk/Summer Dust opnar formlega laugardaginn 6. Ágúst. Í rúman mánuð munu 10 listamenn frá 6 löndum koma sér fyrir í Verksmiðjunni og í samvinnu, með hliðsjón af aðstæðum, þróa ákveðið ferli með það fyrir augum að skapa stórt sameiginlegt innsetningarverk sem að mun bera titilinn «Sumarryk». Þau vinna að teikningum á stórum skala, með vídeóvarpanir, hljóðupptökur og munu umbreyta hljómi, ljósi og yfirborði hinna risastóru rýma síldarverksmiðjunnar. Samhliða, út mánuðinn, eru áætlaðir tónleikar, kvikmyndasýningar og gjörningar allar helgar.
Safnað verður heimildum um verkefnið og viðburði því tengdu fyrir seinni tíma útgáfu. Í því samhengi langar listamennina sérstaklega til þess að bjóða til fundar við þá alla sem að eiga minningar um síldarverksmiðjuna sem slíka, myndir eða luma á góðri sögu henni tengdri
Safnað verður heimildum um verkefnið og viðburði því tengdu fyrir seinni tíma útgáfu. Í því samhengi langar listamennina sérstaklega til þess að bjóða til fundar við þá alla sem að eiga minningar um síldarverksmiðjuna sem slíka, myndir eða luma á góðri sögu henni tengdri
Sem hliðarverkefni þá mun hópurinn fara til Reykjavíkur þann 18 ágúst til þess að standa fyrir gjörningi í Mengi http://www.mengi.net. Viðburðurinn verður á mótum gjörningalistar og tónleika
Viðburðir í ágúst :
6 ágúst : Sumarryk/Summer Dust opnun og listamannaspjall Matt Shane, Jim Holyoak og Michaela Grill.
18 ágúst : hliðarverkefnið Varulven, teikni/tónlistargjörningur í Mengi Reykjavík.
20 ágúst : kvikmyndakvöld í Verksmiðjunni.
27 ágúst : Summer Dust/Sumarryk finissage í Verksmiðjunni, tónlist í flutningi Nick Kuepfer, Neil Holyoak og gestatónlistarmanna:
6 ágúst : Sumarryk/Summer Dust opnun og listamannaspjall Matt Shane, Jim Holyoak og Michaela Grill.
18 ágúst : hliðarverkefnið Varulven, teikni/tónlistargjörningur í Mengi Reykjavík.
20 ágúst : kvikmyndakvöld í Verksmiðjunni.
27 ágúst : Summer Dust/Sumarryk finissage í Verksmiðjunni, tónlist í flutningi Nick Kuepfer, Neil Holyoak og gestatónlistarmanna: