03 - 18.09 2016
Artists / Listamenn:
Erwin van der Werve is intrigued by the tension that objects and elements create in a framed space; How they define the space and make a composition, like dancers on a stage do. Painting is for me a great, or perhaps the best medium to investigate this tension between objects, because a painting can look at a scene from a certain angle or viewpoint and ultimately painting is very much about composition and creating space.
In a way a painting of a room or a landscape is for me like a freeze frame from a movie or a theatre stage where something is about to happen.
In a way a painting of a room or a landscape is for me like a freeze frame from a movie or a theatre stage where something is about to happen.
For this collaboration Irish artist Ema Nik Thomas is inspired by the word Mirage and its Latin roots meaning “to wonder at”. She invites us to witness and to wonder about the intimate relation between our imagination and our environment. The performance follows the simple structure of an old Irish lullaby whose intention is to soothe a child in the dark, or perhaps an adult in the face of illusion.
With performance Thora Solveig Bergsteinsdóttir is looking closely at relating to the environment in the moment and making choices that together create a landscape in being.
It is a dialogue with self and others, space and surroundings in current moment.
It is personal and universal at the same time.
It is a dialogue with self and others, space and surroundings in current moment.
It is personal and universal at the same time.
Mirage er í sýningarstjórn Þóru Sólveigar Bergsteinsdóttur en ásamt henni sýna þau: Erwin van der Werve og Ema Nik Thomas. Þau vinna gjarnan með gjörninga, vídeó og málverk. Erwin veltir fyrir sér samspili hluta í rými; Hvernig þeir skilgreina það og raða sér upp eins og dansarar á sviði. Ema mun að þessu sinni vinna út frá orðinu «mirage» og upprunalegri merkingu þess. Verk hennar lýtur að nánum tengslum ímyndunar og umhverfis.Í gjörningum sínum er Þóra Sólveig að skoða gaumgæfilega stundleg tengsl við umhverfið og velur úr allt það er myndar landslag tilverunnar.